Do you know what 360 degree feedback benefits could mean for you?

Hmmm...perhaps we should first understand what 360 feedback means. It's also called multi-rater assessment, per review, multi-source feedback among others.

360 degree evaluations are also done anonymously. That means they are conducted secretly so the employee being rated doesn’t know who the raters around her are. Hello, I’m Yancey and secrecy is one of the areas of controversy about 360 degree peer reviews.

This is especially true when feedback benefits involve a performance appraisal for promotions, demotions, pay increases or bonuses. Follow this link to see how it will affect you if your company or organization has a combination 360 degree evaluation and a performance evaluation appraisal.

360 degree feedback benefits

The advantage of a 360 degree feedback involves…

  • employees
  • co-workers, managers
  • organizations

The employee

The employee gets a wide-ranging point of view about how she is perceived by those around her. She is able to get a clear evaluation of her job know-how. The type of evaluation proves strengths and identifies weaknesses in the employee’s performance. The employee feedback allows the employee to highlight areas of development.

For co-workers, managers

The environment is favorable for better team work. There is openness for improved communication between members within the organization. The team members are receptive to company goals when they are involved in the development process.


Companies have a better understanding of employee plans of development. The feedback provides the benefit of creating an atmosphere of trust within the organization. The overall performance of the organization improves. Individuals within are more receptive to the 360 degree feedback process.

360 degree feedback benefits

360 Degree Feedback Benefits

Feedback from multiple sources who are in agreement about what’s evaluated about us tends to be very credible.

If properly used this type of process creates a positive attitude of change in the way individuals work.

As employees, we must understand that more businesses and organizations are moving toward some form of 360 degree feedback benefits program. Employees who educate themselves about their organization’s 360 feedback get the most benefit from it. This link will give you more info about 360 degree feedback.

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