As an employee you need to make sure Employee Assistance Program Savings are to your advantage. Hello, my name is Yancey and as an employee I realized the need to make sure they are to my advantage as well. Employers have made a significant investment in employees like me! Therefore they deserve to have that investment pay off! Don’t get me wrong here is my statement of belief. I pledge allegiance to the employee, who has and will always be, the backbone of every company!

Nevertheless, developing an employee assistance program can be expensive for your employer. EAPs are designed to help workers resolve personal or professional problems that may negatively impact their job performance, conduct, health and well-being. EAPs are one of foremost employee benefits a company can make available. Research shows that the benefits to the workplace are worth the eap costs.

Most companies understand that productivity of the workforce is critical to their bottom line. For every dollar invested there is a savings for employers of up to $17.00(US Department of Labor, according to EAP, Inc. 2000)

employee assistance program savings

Savings From Employee Assistance Programs

There are other savings beside financial when an employee assistance program operates as intended. According to a report by The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration(SAMSHA), EAPs produced:

  • 75% reduction in inpatient alcohol substance abuse treatment costs
  • 33% decline in utilization of sickness benefits of employees
  • 65% reduction in work-related accidents
  • 30% decline in workman's compensations claims
  • 66% reduction in absenteeism when alcohol is identified and treated

Employees also benefit by seeing an increase in productivity, fewer complaints, staying at one company longer, and less problems with being disciplined. Statistics show that businesses who maximize the appropriate use of the employee assistance program save the most money. Particularly when the intent is to help and restore the employee to an acceptable level of job performance.

employee assistance program savings

Eap Benefits

Companies that efficiently blend in an EAP with their other benefit plans, is valuable to the employee. Workers use and respond to this benefit because they trust the integrity and confidentiality of the process. Survey studies reveal that EAPs make a positive difference in the employee's job performance and life.

A lot of companies are certain that EAPs are a useful employee benefit. Providing a problem worker with suitable and well-timed services reduces financial and human costs on the job. The savings to the employer may profit the employee by job retention, promotion, increased compensation and greater workplace contributions.

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